
Impact Report 2023

Your support helped us to achieve so much last year. You are making an impact on women and babies at The National Maternity Hospital (NMH). Read more here.

Autumn Newsletter 2023

Your valuable support is helping women and babies, thrive, arrive, survive!

The NMH is a centre of excellence for women who need and deserve excellence in care throughout their lives. Read more here.

NMH Family Stories

Read about our incredible NMH Family here.


Globally 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely. Dr Emma Dunne’s research project centers on the prevention of hypothermia in newborn preterm babies. Watch Emma's video here.


It's a normal life event in extraordinary times. Here's Lorna, a midwife at the NMH who shares why she loves her job and how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted her role. Watch Lorna's video here.