
It's a normal life event in extraordinary times. Here's Lorna, a midwife at the NMH who shares why she loves her job and how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted her role.

Lorna has worked at The NMH for the past 15 years. Lorna speaks of the challenges the pandemic presented to the hospital, how difficult it has been wearing PPE during delivery in the COVID-19 ward and how much staff have struggled with not being able to give hugs and physical support to women, especially while they are in labour. Lorna also speaks about the dads, who have had to either sit in their cars or wait at home for news from the hospital on how their partner is doing.

Lorna reminds us of life a few short months ago and how it all changed so quickly and dramatically for everyone. "As we awaited the arrival of our 1st New Year's baby, no one knew what 2020 was going to bring. There was no dress-rehearsal, we had to immediately make it as 'normal' as possible for all our mums-to-be and mums."

Video by Through the Pane